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How high to mount TV?

by Shassi Kumaran 26 Jun 2024
How high to mount TV?

Mounting your TV at the perfect height can significantly enhance your viewing experience and the overall aesthetics of your room. Whether you’re setting up a new entertainment center or reconfiguring an existing one, understanding the ideal TV mounting height is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various factors that influence TV mounting height, provide guidelines for different room settings, and offer practical tips to help you achieve the best viewing angle.

Factors Influencing TV Mounting Height

  1. Viewing Distance
    The distance between your seating area and the TV plays a significant role in determining the mounting height. Generally, the larger the TV, the further away you should sit. A common rule of thumb is to sit at a distance that is 1.5 to 2.5 times the diagonal screen size of your TV.

  2. Eye Level
    For the most comfortable viewing experience, the center of the TV screen should be at eye level when you’re seated. This reduces strain on your neck and eyes. Typically, the average eye level height when seated is around 42 inches from the floor, but this can vary depending on your furniture and personal preferences.

  3. Room Layout
    The layout and purpose of the room can also impact the ideal TV height. For instance, a living room setup might differ from a bedroom or home theater setup. Additionally, consider the presence of fireplaces, windows, and other furniture that might affect where and how high you can mount your TV.

  4. TV Size
    The size of your TV influences both the viewing distance and mounting height. Larger TVs can be mounted slightly higher without compromising the viewing experience, whereas smaller TVs should be placed closer to eye level to ensure visibility and comfort.

  5. Wall Mount Type
    The type of wall mount you use (fixed, tilting, or full-motion) can affect the optimal height. Tilting and full-motion mounts provide more flexibility in adjusting the viewing angle, allowing you to mount the TV higher or lower depending on your needs.

General Guidelines for TV Mounting Height

To provide a more precise answer to the question "How high to mount TV?", let’s break it down by room type and TV size.

Living Room:

  • Eye Level Height: The center of the TV should be at eye level when seated, approximately 42 inches from the floor.
  • TV Size vs. Mounting Height:
    • 32-inch TV: Center at about 41-44 inches from the floor.
    • 42-inch TV: Center at about 54-57 inches from the floor.
    • 55-inch TV: Center at about 61-63 inches from the floor.
    • 65-inch TV: Center at about 65-68 inches from the floor.


  • Eye Level Height: The center of the TV should be at eye level when you’re sitting up in bed, typically around 45-50 inches from the floor.
  • TV Size vs. Mounting Height:
    • 32-inch TV: Center at about 49-52 inches from the floor.
    • 42-inch TV: Center at about 55-58 inches from the floor.
    • 55-inch TV: Center at about 60-63 inches from the floor.
    • 65-inch TV: Center at about 65-68 inches from the floor.

Home Theater:

  • Eye Level Height: The center of the TV should be at eye level when seated in your home theater chairs, typically around 42-48 inches from the floor.
  • TV Size vs. Mounting Height:
    • 32-inch TV: Center at about 45-48 inches from the floor.
    • 42-inch TV: Center at about 55-58 inches from the floor.
    • 55-inch TV: Center at about 60-63 inches from the floor.
    • 65-inch TV: Center at about 65-68 inches from the floor.

Practical Tips for Mounting Your TV

  1. Use a TV Mounting Template
    Many TV mounts come with a paper or cardboard template that can be taped to the wall to help you visualize and mark the mounting holes. This is especially useful for ensuring you drill the holes in the correct locations.

  2. Measure Twice, Drill Once
    Double-check your measurements before drilling any holes. It’s important to ensure the TV will be at the desired height and centered properly on the wall.

  3. Consider Cable Management
    Plan for how you will manage the cables and wires. Using cable covers or in-wall cable management systems can help keep your setup looking clean and organized.

  4. Check Wall Studs
    Make sure to mount your TV bracket into wall studs for a secure installation. Use a stud finder to locate the studs and mark their locations on the wall.

  5. Adjust for Room Lighting
    Consider the lighting conditions in your room. Mount the TV in a location that minimizes glare from windows or overhead lights. Tilting or full-motion mounts can help adjust the viewing angle to reduce glare.

  6. Test Viewing Angle
    Before securing the TV, test the viewing angle by temporarily holding the TV in place or using a mock-up. Ensure that the screen is visible and comfortable to watch from your primary seating positions.

Mounting Above a Fireplace

Mounting a TV above a fireplace is a popular choice, but it requires careful consideration to ensure a comfortable viewing experience. Here are some tips:

  1. Height Considerations
    The TV should be mounted lower than you might initially think to avoid neck strain. Ideally, the bottom of the TV should be no higher than eye level when seated.

  2. Heat and Ventilation
    Ensure that the heat from the fireplace does not affect the TV. Check the fireplace’s heat output and make sure there’s adequate ventilation to prevent overheating.

  3. Viewing Angle
    Use a tilting or full-motion mount to angle the TV downward if it’s mounted higher than eye level. This will help reduce neck strain and provide a better viewing angle.


Mounting your TV at the right height is crucial for an optimal viewing experience. By considering factors such as viewing distance, eye level, room layout, TV size, and wall mount type, you can determine the ideal height for your TV. Use the general guidelines provided in this guide to help you find the perfect height for various room settings, and follow practical tips to ensure a secure and aesthetically pleasing installation. Whether it’s for your living room, bedroom, or home theater, the right TV height will enhance your viewing pleasure and overall enjoyment of your space.

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