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Should I put my TV on the wall or leave it as is?

by Shassi Kumaran 19 May 2024
Should I put my TV on the wall or leave it as is?

When it comes to setting up your home entertainment system, one of the most important decisions you’ll face is where to place your TV. With modern flat-screen TVs, the two main options are to mount it on the wall or to place it on a stand or cabinet. Each method has its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks. This comprehensive guide will explore the pros and cons of wall mounting versus leaving your TV on a stand, helping you determine the best solution for your space and lifestyle.

Advantages of Wall Mounting Your TV

1. Space Saving Wall mounting your TV can save a significant amount of floor space. This is particularly beneficial in smaller rooms where every square foot counts. By mounting the TV on the wall, you free up space that can be used for other furniture or simply to create a more open and airy feel.

2. Aesthetic Appeal A wall-mounted TV can provide a sleek, modern look that integrates seamlessly with your room’s decor. It eliminates the need for bulky TV stands or cabinets, allowing for a cleaner and more minimalist aesthetic. This setup can be particularly striking in contemporary homes where simplicity and elegance are key design principles.

3. Better Viewing Angles Mounting your TV on the wall allows for greater flexibility in positioning. You can mount the TV at the optimal height for your viewing pleasure, which is generally at eye level when seated. Many wall mounts also offer tilting and swiveling features, enabling you to adjust the angle for the best possible viewing experience from different areas of the room.

4. Enhanced Safety For households with young children or pets, wall mounting can enhance safety by keeping the TV out of reach. This reduces the risk of the TV being knocked over, which can prevent accidents and damage. Properly mounted TVs are less likely to fall during an earthquake or if accidentally bumped, providing peace of mind.

5. Reduced Clutter Wall mounting can help reduce cable clutter. Many wall mounts come with cable management systems that allow you to hide wires and cables, creating a neater and more organized appearance. This can also make cleaning easier, as there are fewer surfaces to dust around.

Disadvantages of Wall Mounting Your TV

1. Installation Complexity Installing a wall mount can be more complex and time-consuming than simply placing a TV on a stand. It often requires drilling into walls, finding studs, and ensuring the mount is level and secure. For those who are not handy, this may require hiring a professional, which can add to the cost.

2. Limited Flexibility Once your TV is mounted on the wall, it becomes less flexible in terms of room rearrangement. If you decide to change the layout of your room or move the TV to another location, you’ll have to go through the process of uninstalling and reinstalling the mount, which can be inconvenient.

3. Wall Damage Mounting a TV on the wall involves drilling holes, which can cause permanent damage. This can be a concern for renters who may not be allowed to make such modifications, or for homeowners who are concerned about the resale value of their property. Patching and repainting walls can also be a hassle if you decide to move the TV.

Advantages of Leaving Your TV on a Stand

1. Ease of Setup Placing your TV on a stand is generally much simpler and quicker than wall mounting. It usually involves assembling the stand (if necessary) and positioning the TV, which can be done without any special tools or skills. This makes it an attractive option for those who want a quick and hassle-free setup.

2. Flexibility TV stands offer more flexibility in terms of room layout and design. You can easily move the TV and stand to different locations within the room or to another room entirely. This is particularly useful if you like to rearrange your furniture frequently or if you plan to move to a new home in the near future.

3. Additional Storage Many TV stands come with built-in storage options such as shelves, drawers, and cabinets. This can be convenient for storing media equipment, DVDs, gaming consoles, and other accessories. A stand with ample storage can help keep your entertainment area organized and clutter-free.

4. No Wall Damage Using a TV stand eliminates the need to drill holes in your walls, preserving the integrity of your home’s structure. This is especially important for renters or for those who want to avoid potential repair costs and hassle. It also allows you to maintain the versatility of your walls for other decor purposes.

5. Stability A well-designed TV stand can provide excellent stability for your TV, especially if it includes anti-tip features. This can offer a secure setup without the need for wall anchors or mounts, which can be beneficial for those who prefer not to alter their walls.

Disadvantages of Leaving Your TV on a Stand

1. Space Consumption TV stands can take up a considerable amount of floor space, which can be a disadvantage in smaller rooms. The stand itself, along with any additional furniture or accessories it holds, can make a room feel crowded or cluttered.

2. Limited Viewing Angles With a TV stand, you are often limited in terms of the height and angle of the screen. This can lead to suboptimal viewing positions, especially if the stand is too low or too high relative to your seating arrangement. Unlike wall mounts, stands typically do not offer the same level of adjustability.

3. Safety Concerns While modern TV stands are designed to be stable, they can still pose safety risks, particularly in homes with young children or pets. There is always a potential for the TV to be knocked over, leading to possible injury or damage. Anti-tip straps can mitigate this risk, but it remains a consideration.

Factors to Consider When Deciding

1. Room Layout and Size Consider the size and layout of your room. In smaller spaces, wall mounting can help save floor space and create a cleaner look. In larger rooms, a TV stand with additional storage may be more practical and aesthetically pleasing.

2. Viewing Preferences Think about your viewing habits and preferences. If you want the flexibility to adjust the TV’s height and angle easily, a wall mount may be the better option. For those who prioritize easy access to storage and the ability to move the TV around, a stand could be more suitable.

3. Installation and Maintenance Consider your willingness and ability to handle installation and maintenance. Wall mounting can be more complex and may require professional help, whereas a TV stand is typically easier to set up and adjust.

4. Safety and Stability Evaluate the safety and stability of each option in the context of your household. For homes with children or pets, wall mounting may offer enhanced safety. However, a sturdy TV stand with anti-tip features can also provide a secure setup.

5. Aesthetic and Design Think about the overall aesthetic and design of your room. Wall mounting can create a modern and minimalist look, while a TV stand can offer a more traditional and versatile appearance. Choose the option that best complements your existing decor.


Deciding whether to mount your TV on the wall or leave it on a stand ultimately depends on your individual needs, preferences, and living situation. Both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice will vary from person to person.

If you value space-saving, modern aesthetics, and enhanced safety, wall mounting may be the ideal solution for you. It provides a sleek, clean look and can help you achieve the perfect ergonomic viewing position. However, be prepared for a more involved installation process and potential wall damage.

On the other hand, if you prioritize ease of setup, flexibility, and additional storage, a TV stand might be the better choice. It offers convenience and versatility, allowing you to easily rearrange your room and store your entertainment accessories. Just be mindful of the space it occupies and the potential safety concerns.

By carefully considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision that enhances your home entertainment experience and fits seamlessly with your lifestyle. Whether you choose to mount your TV on the wall or place it on a stand, the ultimate goal is to create a comfortable and enjoyable viewing environment for you and your family.

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