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Is it possible to secure a TV mount onto a wall using nails?

by Shassi Kumaran 21 May 2024
Is it possible to secure a TV mount onto a wall using nails?

In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore this question in depth, discuss the implications of using nails, and examine other more reliable options for mounting a TV.

Mounting a TV on the wall has become increasingly popular as it saves space, provides a clean look, and enhances the viewing experience. However, one of the most critical aspects of wall mounting is ensuring that the TV is securely attached. This leads to a common question: "Is it possible to secure a TV mount onto a wall using nails?"

Understanding the Basics of TV Mounting

Before diving into the specifics of using nails, it's essential to understand the general requirements for mounting a TV. The primary considerations include:

  1. Weight Support:
    The mount and the wall must support the weight of the TV.

  2. Stability:
    The mount should provide a stable and secure hold to prevent the TV from falling.

  3. Compatibility:
    The mount must be compatible with the TV’s VESA pattern.

  4. Safety: Ensuring the installation is safe and poses no risk of injury or damage.

Can You Use Nails to Mount a TV?

The short answer is no. Nails are not suitable for mounting a TV. Here’s why:

1. Insufficient Strength

Nails lack the necessary holding power to support the weight of a TV. TVs, especially larger models, can weigh between 20 to 100 pounds or more. Nails are not designed to handle such loads, leading to a high risk of the TV falling.

2. Risk of Wall Damage

Nails can easily loosen over time, especially if they are driven into drywall or plaster without hitting a stud. This can result in the TV becoming unstable and eventually falling off, causing significant damage to the wall and the TV itself.

3. Lack of Stability

Nails do not provide the same level of stability as screws or bolts. They can shift or bend under pressure, further compromising the security of the TV mount.

Alternatives to Using Nails

Given the limitations and risks associated with using nails, it is crucial to explore other, more secure methods for mounting a TV. Here are some reliable alternatives:

1. Wall Studs and Screws
Using Wall Studs

Wall studs are vertical framing members typically spaced 16 or 24 inches apart behind drywall. These studs provide a solid anchor point for screws or bolts, ensuring the mount can support the weight of the TV.

Steps to Mount Using Wall Studs:
  1. Locate the Studs: Use a stud finder to locate the studs in the wall.
  2. Mark the Position: Mark the desired height and position of the TV on the wall.
  3. Drill Pilot Holes: Drill pilot holes into the studs at the marked points.
  4. Attach the Mount: Secure the TV mount to the wall using heavy-duty screws or bolts.

This method ensures a strong and stable mounting solution, significantly reducing the risk of the TV falling.


2. Anchors for Drywall

Types of Anchors:
  1. Toggle Bolts: These are heavy-duty anchors that can support significant weight by distributing the load over a larger area.
  2. Molly Bolts: These are metal expansion anchors that provide a strong hold in drywall.
  3. Plastic Wall Anchors: Suitable for lighter TVs, but not recommended for larger models.
Steps to Mount Using Drywall Anchors:
  1. Mark the Position: Mark the desired height and position on the wall.
  2. Drill Holes: Drill holes for the anchors as per the anchor instructions.
  3. Insert Anchors: Insert the anchors into the holes.
  4. Attach the Mount: Secure the TV mount to the anchors using screws.

This method is suitable for drywall installations where stud placement is inconvenient or unavailable.

3. Concrete or Brick Walls

Using Masonry Anchors:

For concrete or brick walls, special anchors known as masonry anchors are required. These include wedge anchors, sleeve anchors, and concrete screws.

Steps to Mount Using Masonry Anchors:
  1. Mark the Position: Mark the desired height and position on the wall.
  2. Drill Holes: Use a masonry drill bit to drill holes into the wall.
  3. Insert Anchors: Insert the masonry anchors into the drilled holes.
  4. Attach the Mount: Secure the TV mount to the anchors using bolts or screws.

This method provides a robust and secure mounting solution for masonry walls.

4. Elephant Anchors

What Are Elephant Anchors?

Elephant anchors are heavy-duty anchors designed for use in various wall types, including drywall, concrete, and brick. They are designed to provide a strong and secure hold, making them ideal for mounting heavy objects like TVs.

Steps to Mount Using Elephant Anchors:
  1. Mark the Position: Mark the desired height and position on the wall.
  2. Drill Holes: Drill holes as per the anchor instructions.
  3. Insert Anchors: Insert the elephant anchors into the holes.
  4. Attach the Mount: Secure the TV mount to the anchors using screws.

Elephant anchors are an excellent choice for a versatile and secure mounting solution.

5. Professional Installation Services

If you are unsure about mounting the TV yourself, consider hiring professional installation services. Professionals have the expertise and tools to ensure a secure and safe installation, tailored to your specific wall type and TV model.

Tips for a Successful TV Mounting

Regardless of the method chosen, here are some tips to ensure a successful TV mounting:


1. Measure and Plan

  • Determine the best viewing height and angle.
  • Consider cable management options to keep cords organized and hidden.

2. Use the Right Tools

  • Use a stud finder, level, drill, and appropriate screws or anchors for your wall type.

3. Follow Manufacturer Instructions

  • Adhere to the TV mount manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
  • Ensure all components are securely tightened.

4. Safety First

  • Make sure the TV mount can support the weight and size of your TV.
  • Check for any signs of instability or looseness regularly.

5. Consider Future Needs

  • Plan for potential upgrades or changes, such as adding a soundbar or additional devices.



Mounting a TV on the wall can greatly enhance your viewing experience and free up valuable floor space. However, using nails to secure a TV mount is not a viable option due to their insufficient strength and stability. Instead, opt for more reliable methods such as using wall studs and screws, drywall anchors, masonry anchors, or elephant anchors. Each of these methods provides a secure and stable mounting solution tailored to different wall types and TV sizes. By following the proper installation steps and safety tips, you can ensure a successful and safe TV mounting experience.

For those who prefer a hassle-free solution, professional installation services are also available to guarantee a secure setup. Ultimately, choosing the right method for your wall type and TV model will provide peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your mounted TV for years to come.


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