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How to Wall Mount a Plasma TV?

by Shassi Kumaran 26 May 2024
How to Wall Mount a Plasma TV?

Wall mounting your plasma TV is a fantastic way to save space, enhance your viewing experience, and create a sleek, modern look in your living room. However, it’s essential to approach this task with a clear plan and the right tools to ensure a safe and secure installation. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of wall mounting a plasma TV step-by-step, from choosing the right mount to final adjustments. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials

Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:


  • Stud finder
  • Drill with appropriate bits (usually 3/16-inch and 1/2-inch masonry bits)
  • Screwdrivers (both flat-head and Phillips)
  • Level
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil or marker
  • Socket wrench set
  • Painter’s tape (optional, for marking positions)


  • TV wall mount bracket (ensure it’s compatible with your TV’s size and weight)
  • Mounting hardware (usually included with the bracket)
  • Lag bolts (if mounting on wood studs)
  • Toggle bolts or masonry anchors (if mounting on drywall or brick)
  • Cable management system (optional but recommended for a tidy setup)

Step 2: Choose the Right Wall Mount

Selecting the appropriate wall mount for your plasma TV is crucial. There are several types of wall mounts available, each offering different levels of flexibility:

1. Fixed Mounts: These mounts hold the TV close to the wall and do not allow for any movement. They are ideal if you want a clean, low-profile look and don’t need to adjust the viewing angle.

2. Tilting Mounts: Tilting mounts allow you to tilt the TV up or down, which can be useful to reduce glare from lights or windows. They offer some flexibility while still keeping the TV close to the wall.

3. Full-Motion Mounts: Also known as articulating mounts, these allow you to swivel, tilt, and extend the TV away from the wall. They provide the most flexibility but tend to be more expensive and bulkier.

Step 3: Determine the Mounting Location

Choosing the right location for your plasma TV is essential for an optimal viewing experience. Consider the following factors:

Viewing Height: The center of the screen should be at eye level when you’re seated. Generally, this means the bottom of the TV will be about 42 inches from the floor, but this can vary depending on your seating arrangement.

Viewing Distance: The distance between your TV and seating area should be about 1.5 to 2.5 times the diagonal size of your TV. For example, if you have a 55-inch TV, the ideal viewing distance is between 6.9 and 11.5 feet.

Wall Strength: Ensure the wall you choose can support the weight of your TV. Use a stud finder to locate the studs behind the drywall, as they will provide the necessary support.

Step 4: Mark the Mounting Holes

Once you’ve chosen the location, it’s time to mark the mounting holes. Here’s how:

  1. Locate the Studs: Use a stud finder to locate the studs within your chosen area. Mark the edges of each stud with a pencil. You should mount the TV to at least two studs for maximum support.

  2. Mark the Bracket Holes: Hold the wall bracket against the wall, aligning it with the stud marks. Use a level to ensure it’s perfectly straight. Mark the holes where you’ll need to drill.

  3. Double-Check Measurements: Measure the distance between the marks to ensure they match the mounting holes on your TV. This step is crucial to avoid any drilling mistakes.

Step 5: Drill the Pilot Holes

With your mounting holes marked, it’s time to drill the pilot holes:

  1. Choose the Right Bit: Select a drill bit that matches the size of the mounting screws or lag bolts. Typically, a 3/16-inch bit works for pilot holes in wood studs.

  2. Drill the Holes: Drill pilot holes at the marked locations. If you’re drilling into masonry, use a 1/2-inch masonry bit and insert masonry anchors.

Step 6: Attach the Wall Bracket

Now that your pilot holes are ready, you can attach the wall bracket:

  1. Position the Bracket: Align the wall bracket with the pilot holes.

  2. Secure the Bracket: Using a socket wrench, drive the lag bolts through the bracket and into the studs. Ensure the bracket is securely attached and doesn’t wobble.

Step 7: Attach the TV Bracket

Next, attach the corresponding bracket to the back of your TV:

  1. Find the Mounting Holes: Locate the VESA mounting holes on the back of your TV. These are typically four threaded holes arranged in a square or rectangular pattern.

  2. Attach the Bracket: Using the screws provided with the mount, attach the bracket to the TV. Make sure the bracket is securely fastened.

Step 8: Mount the TV

With both brackets attached, you can now mount the TV:

  1. Lift the TV: This step may require two people, especially for larger TVs. Lift the TV and align the brackets.

  2. Secure the TV: Depending on your mount, you may need to slide, hook, or snap the TV bracket onto the wall bracket. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

  3. Check for Stability: Ensure the TV is securely attached to the wall bracket and doesn’t move or tilt unexpectedly.

Step 9: Adjust the Viewing Angle

If you’re using a tilting or full-motion mount, take the time to adjust the TV to your desired viewing angle. This may involve tilting, swiveling, or extending the TV away from the wall.

Step 10: Manage the Cables

To achieve a clean, professional look, manage your cables effectively:

  1. Use Cable Ties: Bundle and secure cables using cable ties to prevent tangling.

  2. Install a Cable Management System: Consider installing a cable management system, such as a cable raceway or in-wall cable kit, to hide the cables from view.

  3. Connect Devices: Reconnect your devices (such as Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, and sound systems) to the TV and ensure all connections are secure.

Step 11: Final Checks

Before you sit back and enjoy your newly mounted TV, perform some final checks:

  1. Power On the TV: Turn on the TV to ensure it’s functioning correctly. Check for any loose connections or issues.

  2. Test Stability: Gently move the TV to confirm it’s securely mounted and stable.

  3. Adjust Settings: Adjust the TV settings for optimal picture and sound quality.

Additional Tips for a Successful Installation

Safety First: Always prioritize safety when mounting your TV. If you’re unsure about any step, consider seeking professional help.

Use Quality Hardware: Don’t compromise on the quality of the mounting hardware. High-quality mounts and screws will ensure your TV remains securely attached to the wall.

Consider Future Needs: Think about future upgrades or additions to your setup. Choosing a mount that can support a slightly larger TV or additional accessories might be a wise investment.

Follow Manufacturer Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for both the TV and the mount. This ensures compatibility and safety.


Wall mounting a plasma TV can transform your viewing experience and enhance the aesthetics of your living space. By following these comprehensive steps, you can achieve a secure, professional-looking installation that you’ll enjoy for years to come. Remember to plan carefully, use the right tools and materials, and prioritize safety throughout the process. Happy mounting!

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