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How to unmount a tv?

by Shassi Kumaran 26 Aug 2024
How to unmount a tv?

How to Unmount a TV: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re redecorating your living space, moving to a new home, or upgrading your TV, unmounting your television can seem daunting. However, with the right tools and steps, it can be a straightforward process. In this guide, we’ll explain how to safely unmount a TV from both drywall and concrete walls, as well as how to close any drill holes left behind.

Tools You Will Need

Before you start, gather the following tools to make the unmounting process smoother:

  • Screwdriver (flathead or Phillips, depending on your screws)
  • Allen wrench (if applicable)
  • Level (to ensure the TV is aligned during reinstallation)
  • Pliers (for any stubborn screws)
  • Stud finder (to locate the studs if necessary)
  • Patch kit (for closing drill holes)
  • Sandpaper (fine-grit)

Step-by-Step Process for Unmounting a TV

Unmounting from Drywall

1. Turn Off Power:
Before you begin, turn off the power to your TV and unplug it from the outlet. This will ensure your safety while handling the TV and its cables.

2. Remove Cables:
Disconnect all cables connected to the TV, including HDMI, power, and any other peripherals. Label them if necessary to make reinstallation easier later.

3. Locate the Mounting Bracket:
Identify the type of mount you’re using (fixed, tilting, or full-motion). This will determine how you proceed with unmounting.

4. Unscrew the TV from the Mount:
Using a screwdriver, carefully remove the screws that attach the TV to the mounting bracket. Hold the TV securely as you remove the screws to prevent it from falling. If your mount uses an Allen wrench, use it to loosen the screws.

5. Remove the Mounting Bracket:
Once the TV is detached, you can now remove the mounting bracket from the wall. If the bracket is secured with screws, carefully unscrew it and pull it away from the wall.

Unmounting from Concrete Walls

1. Turn Off Power and Remove Cables:
As with drywall, ensure the TV is unplugged, and disconnect all cables.

2. Identify the Mounting Hardware:
Check the type of mounting hardware used to secure the TV to the wall. This may include bolts or screws anchored into the concrete.

3. Unscrew the TV from the Mount:
Carefully remove the screws that secure the TV to the mounting bracket, just as you would with drywall. Keep the TV steady as you do this.

4. Remove the Mounting Bracket:
Using a socket wrench or drill with the appropriate bit, carefully unscrew the bolts or screws holding the mounting bracket to the concrete wall. If you encounter any resistance, you may need to apply some additional force or use pliers.

Closing the Drill Holes

Once your TV is unmounted, there may be drill holes remaining in your drywall or concrete wall. Here’s how to close them:

For Drywall

1. Clean the Holes:
Use a utility knife to remove any loose material around the holes.

2. Apply a Patch Kit:
Purchase a drywall patch kit from your local hardware store. Follow the instructions on the package, typically involving applying a patch to cover the hole and smoothing out the edges with a putty knife.

3. Sand the Area:
Once the patch is dry, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth the surface until it’s flush with the surrounding wall.

4. Paint the Area:
Touch up the patched area with paint that matches your wall color for a seamless finish.

For Concrete Walls

1. Clean the Holes:
Use a wire brush or similar tool to remove any debris from the holes.

2. Fill the Holes:
Use a concrete patch compound or filler to fill the holes. Apply the compound with a putty knife, ensuring it’s level with the wall surface.

3. Allow to Cure:
Let the filler cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This may take several hours to a day, depending on the product used.

4. Smooth and Paint:
Once cured, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth the area, and touch up with paint to match the surrounding wall.


Unmounting a TV doesn’t have to be a stressful task. By following these clear steps, you can safely and effectively remove your TV from both drywall and concrete walls. Additionally, filling in any drill holes will help maintain the aesthetic of your walls. Whether you’re upgrading your setup or preparing for a move, this guide ensures a hassle-free unmounting process. Happy mounting!

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