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How to remove a wall anchor?

by Shassi Kumaran 16 Sep 2024
How to remove a wall anchor?

This guide will provide you with several methods to remove different types of wall anchors and help you restore your walls to their original condition.

Removing wall anchors can seem daunting, especially if you're not familiar with the process. Whether you're redecorating, moving furniture, or simply changing the location of your wall-mounted items, knowing how to safely and effectively remove wall anchors is essential. 

Understanding Wall Anchors


Before diving into the removal process, it's important to understand the different types of wall anchors available:

  1. Expansion Anchors
    These expand as you screw into them, providing a secure grip in drywall.

  2. Toggle Anchors
    These consist of a toggle that opens inside the wall, offering a strong hold, especially in hollow walls.

  3. Self-Drilling Anchors
    These screws can be driven directly into the drywall without pre-drilling, making them easy to install and remove.

Method 1: Removing Expansion Anchors

Tools Needed:

  • Pliers
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Hammer


  1. Unscrew the Screw
    Start by removing the screw attached to the wall anchor. This will leave the anchor exposed.

  2. Use Pliers
    Grasp the anchor with pliers. If the anchor is a sleeve type, try to pull it straight out. If it’s stuck, gently twist while pulling to dislodge it.

  3. Use a Flathead Screwdriver
    If you can't pull it out with pliers, use a flathead screwdriver to gently pry it out. Insert the screwdriver between the anchor and the wall, and carefully lever it out.

  4. Fill the Hole
    Once the anchor is removed, you may have a hole left in the wall. Use a spackling compound or wall filler to fill the hole, then sand it smooth once dry.

Method 2: Removing Toggle Anchors

Tools Needed:

  • Pliers
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Utility knife (if necessary)


  1. Unscrew the Screw
    Remove the screw attached to the toggle anchor using a Phillips screwdriver.

  2. Pull on the Anchor
    Once the screw is removed, you may be able to pull on the toggle anchor directly. Be cautious; this can sometimes cause the toggle to break free inside the wall, making it more difficult to remove.

  3. Cut the Anchor (if necessary)
    If the toggle is lodged inside the wall and won't budge, you might need to cut the anchor with a utility knife. Insert the knife into the wall around the anchor to slice through any material holding it in place.

  4. Fill the Hole
    Similar to the previous method, you’ll need to fill any hole left after removing the toggle anchor with spackling compound, sanding it smooth once dry.

Method 3: Removing Self-Drilling Anchors

Tools Needed:

  • Pliers
  • Hammer (optional)


  1. Unscrew the Screw
    Start by removing the screw using a screwdriver. This will expose the anchor.

  2. Pull the Anchor Out
    Use pliers to grip the anchor and pull it out. If it resists, you may need to tap it lightly with a hammer to loosen it first.

  3. Fill the Hole
    After removal, fill any remaining hole with spackling compound. Sand it smooth once it's dry.

Final Thoughts

Removing wall anchors doesn’t have to be a stressful task. By following these methods and using the right tools, you can efficiently remove wall anchors and prepare your walls for a fresh look. Always remember to patch up any holes after removal to maintain a clean and polished appearance. Happy decorating!

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