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How to choose the best TV for the living room?

by Shassi Kumaran 18 Jun 2024
How to choose the best TV for the living room?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to consider before purchasing a TV, ensuring you make an informed decision that suits your needs and lifestyle.


Choosing the perfect TV for your living room is a significant decision, one that can enhance your home entertainment experience. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. 

1. Determine Your Budget

Before diving into the technical details, it’s essential to set a budget. TVs come in a wide range of prices, from budget-friendly models to high-end options with all the latest features. Having a clear budget in mind will help narrow down your choices and prevent overspending.

2. Decide on the Screen Size

The size of your TV should be proportional to the size of your living room. A larger screen offers a more immersive viewing experience, but it can be overwhelming in a small space. Conversely, a TV that’s too small might not provide the desired impact in a larger room. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right screen size:

  • For a small room (under 40 inches): 32-43 inches
  • For a medium room (40-65 inches): 44-55 inches
  • For a large room (over 65 inches): 56 inches and above

3. Consider the Resolution

Resolution refers to the number of pixels that make up the picture on the screen. The higher the resolution, the sharper and more detailed the image. Here are the most common resolutions:

  • Full HD (1080p): Suitable for smaller screens and basic viewing needs.
  • 4K Ultra HD (2160p): Offers four times the resolution of Full HD, providing a much clearer and more detailed picture. It’s ideal for larger screens and is becoming the standard for new TVs.
  • 8K Ultra HD (4320p): Offers the highest resolution available, but content in 8K is limited. Best for those who want to future-proof their setup and have a significant budget.

4. Choose the Right Display Technology

There are several types of display technologies to consider, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

  • LED/LCD: The most common and affordable type, offering good brightness and color accuracy. LED TVs use backlighting to illuminate the pixels.
  • OLED: Provides superior picture quality with deeper blacks and better contrast, as each pixel emits its light. OLED TVs are generally more expensive but offer a more immersive viewing experience.
  • QLED: A type of LED TV with quantum dot technology, providing better color accuracy and brightness compared to standard LED TVs. It’s a middle ground between LED and OLED in terms of price and performance.

5. Evaluate HDR Capabilities

High Dynamic Range (HDR) enhances the contrast and color range of a TV, making the picture more realistic and vibrant. Look for TVs that support HDR formats like HDR10, Dolby Vision, or HDR10+. These features are especially beneficial for 4K content, as they provide a more dynamic viewing experience.

6. Check the Refresh Rate

The refresh rate, measured in Hertz (Hz), indicates how many times per second the TV refreshes the image. A higher refresh rate results in smoother motion, which is essential for sports, action movies, and gaming. Standard TVs offer a refresh rate of 60Hz, while higher-end models provide 120Hz or even 240Hz.

7. Smart TV Features

Most modern TVs come with smart features, allowing you to access streaming services, browse the internet, and use apps directly on your TV. Look for a TV with a user-friendly interface and support for popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. Additionally, consider the operating system (e.g., Android TV, webOS, Tizen) and its compatibility with other devices in your home.

8. Connectivity Options

Ensure the TV has enough ports to connect all your devices, such as gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and sound systems. Common ports include:

  • HDMI: For high-definition video and audio (look for at least 3 HDMI ports).
  • USB: For connecting external storage devices or peripherals.
  • Ethernet/Wi-Fi: For internet connectivity.
  • Optical/Coaxial Audio: For connecting external audio systems.

9. Sound Quality

While the picture quality is crucial, don’t overlook sound quality. Many modern TVs have thin profiles, which can limit the quality of built-in speakers. Consider investing in a soundbar or a home theater system for a more immersive audio experience. Look for TVs with audio enhancement features like Dolby Atmos for better sound quality.

10. Consider Viewing Angles

If you have a wide seating arrangement in your living room, it’s important to choose a TV with good viewing angles. OLED TVs generally offer the best viewing angles, while some LED TVs with IPS panels also perform well. This ensures that the picture quality remains consistent, regardless of where you’re sitting.

11. Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient TVs not only save you money on electricity bills but are also better for the environment. Look for TVs with an Energy Star rating or other energy efficiency certifications. Many modern TVs have eco-modes that reduce power consumption without compromising picture quality.

12. Brand Reputation and Reviews

Consider the reputation of the brand and read reviews from other customers before making a purchase. Reputable brands often provide better customer support, warranty services, and reliable performance. Online reviews and expert opinions can give you valuable insights into the pros and cons of different models.

13. Future-Proofing Your Purchase

Technology evolves rapidly, and new features and standards are introduced regularly. While it’s impossible to predict the future completely, choosing a TV with the latest technology and connectivity options can help extend its lifespan. Features like HDMI 2.1, which supports higher resolutions and refresh rates, can make your TV more future-proof.


Choosing the best TV for your living room involves considering a variety of factors, from screen size and resolution to display technology and smart features. By carefully evaluating your needs and preferences, you can find a TV that offers an exceptional viewing experience and fits perfectly into your living space.

Remember, the right TV not only enhances your entertainment but also complements your living room’s aesthetics. Once you’ve chosen the perfect TV, consider pairing it with Condomounts’ innovative pillar mounting solutions to achieve a clean, stylish, and secure setup. Visit to explore our range of mounting options and elevate your home entertainment experience.

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